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Sunday, September 16, 2007

Movin' & Groovin'

After sitting everyday all day since September 2nd, I am happy to report that the altitude wailed on me this weekend…and it was wonderful. Yay, for a great weekend of moving and grooving beginning with Friday’s 2-hour salsa lesson and late night dancing, then Saturday’s hike around an area called Papallacta with thermal baths and today’s 3-hour basketball madness.

Friday morning I finished teaching my last of three practice teaching sessions. One highlight was that we practiced a dialogue using questions based on travel and packing for a vacation using Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie as model dummies who had no idea what to bring to Miami and while making a packing list one of my students put on my bikini. Very nice.

Friday afternoon the volunteers from my program took salsa lessons. Our instructors could MOVE and were entertained by our lack of latino “suavetude” when shaking our hips. Surprise: I left the two hour lesson sweaty and needed a shower.

Saturday the group took a trip on little windy roads carved out of the muddy mountainside to Papallacta. The terrain along the river hike was dense along a cascading waterfall. I toyed with the idea of trying Guatita (cow stomach) soup with peanut sauce or Cuy (guinea pig), but opted for a grilled cheese sandwich.

Today at noon nearly 20 volunteers and friends from host families got together to play some basketball. I wanted to reconnect with my baller side, so I decided to throw down. Well, “throwing down” consisted of asking for a sub nearly every 3 plays as I panted heavily at 9,000 feet. Alas, it was fun to practice the ol’ back door and throw some elbows around.

Lots of love to all friends and family,



Julie said...

Wow!!! Check out the form on that shot!!!

Adrienne said...

Next time you are feeling bad about your hip action just remember, James thinks you dance like me.

Unknown said...

So pleased to learn you are blogging! I find that the "shake and roll" move works equally well on the b-ball court and the dance floor. Feel free to cite me when you you it.

Tiffany said...

I am so excited that you are in cuenca!!! I believe cuenca is the city of love. Love of culture, love of live, love of beauty. I have had some great times in cuenca. Enjoy those mojitos at cafecito.